Membrane Filters – Beverage Grade


Polyethersulfone Membrane Filter Cartridges for pre and final filtering when you bottle.
General Grade Membrane cartridges can be used for final filtration, but the better choice is Beverage.
If a large volume of wine is to be filtered, sometimes a more coarse micron in General Grade may be used as a prefilter and then the better Beverage Grade polishes the wine for assurance.

If you are looking for guidance on final filtering your wine, please feel free to contact us.  It is helpful for us to know the what is being used as for pre-filtration, the flow rate, the type of wine, and how much is being filtered during the run.
SKU: MAS-G/MAS-B-5-1 Category: Tag:



The following pricing selection is for the most popular BEVERAGE GRADE MEMBRANE CARTRIDGES.
Please consult bulletin or FPS for other configurations not listed.
For 10-inch double open end cartridges use 9-3/4-inch.

Additional Information

  • Maximum Differential (Collapse) Pressure – 75 psid@70 Degrees F
  • Recommended Change-Out Differential Pressure – 35 psid
  • Maximum Operating Temperature – 176 Degrees F
  • Shipping Weight – 1 to 4 lbs.
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